Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Bye Bye Mr Mama!

Salam guys! Bulan May ni memang banyak dugaannya bagi saya. I'm still recovering and resting at home. Last Thursday, I pergi check-up dan juga bukak stitches yang ada di tepi rusuk, ngilu je rasanye! Doctor said my lung has expanded well except that I have lot of flam in my chest due to flu. Yep, kena flu pulak, so can imagine la everytime i sneeze, rasa nak koyak my chest! (yes, it's still painful!) And I'm required to rest for another 3 weeks before I can resume with work. (but only lite work! For the wound to properly heal, it takes 3-6 months!)

Perghhh... bosan gile duduk rumah! Now I really am Mr Mama bcoz I'm home with the kids full-time!hehe! And talking about Mr Mama, I have been getting a lot of responds for that drama. It seems viewers really enjoy the show! But, sadly I have to announce here, I have to bid farewell to the production bcoz of my health condition. There will be a replacement, but nothing is confirmed yet. Here I really want to thank the production (Radius One Production) for being really understanding of my situation. I wish all the best to the team, its been fun working with u guys!

Vee has comeback from Singapore and Melaka, former for some Malaysian Film Screening and latter for Dumex Dugro seminar in which Vee was featured bcoz we're the brand ambassador. She had to dance for the seminar attendees! Lagu dangdut lagi! She had a good reception (as usual lah). Fans really enjoyed being there with her. (I totally understand that! I enjoyed being with her all the time!hehe!) Work is as usual for Vee, she's considering an offer from Tall Order Production for a new 26 episodes series for TV3. If all goes well, Vee will be busy shooting the whole of May and June.

For me, I'm just enjoying resting at home watching tennis on sports channel. Federer and Nadal final in Hamburg was really a feast! A really mouthwatering match, in which Nadal toppled the former champion in 3 sets! I always like Federer for his cool and smart
play but on clay surface, Nadal is the king! Now i'm looking forward for the French Open which starts end of the month. Hopefully Federer will meet Nadal again in the final! I really miss my tennis evening, huhu. I can't play for the next 6 months! Till then, adios!

Love, Rashidi Ishak.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Sorry.. lama tak blog!

Hey guys! Salam to all.. sorry lama tak menulis, have been very busy! Anyways, both of us wrapped up our latest movie "Stamp" (Tayangan Unggul) - directed by Kabhir Bhatia of 'Cinta'; end of Feb. Syok giler cerita pasal street cons jumpa street hustler jumpa mafia cina cuba curi satu stem yang sangat berharga. Other cast in the movie beside the both of us adalah Afdlin Shauki, Indy Nadarajah, Que Haidar, Sathiya, Bront Palarae, Kin Wah, Isma Yusoff, Diana Danielle, Harun Salim Bachik dan ramai lagi lah.. It is scheduled to be out next year tapi kami dah tak sabar dah! Yang ni pasti hit!

We just finished shooting for our latest Dumex Dugro campaigning TVC, yang ni pun seronok dapat bekerja sekali lagi dengan director TVC Benny dari New Zealand, shooting 2 hari + 1 hari untuk still photography ( di mana print ad dah keluar merata dalam surat khabar dan juga billboard - both of us dengan baby atas bahu ). Baby tu Daniel, from Thailand, cute giler!

Yes.. saya baru keluar hospital sebenarnya.. ni baru lah dapat menulis.. admitted hari Isnin 28 April tu hari. Sesak nafas, lantas terus ke Gleneagles Intan untuk check up. Yang best tu I pergi drive sendiri! Vee tengah shooting dengan Hans Isaac ( Telemovie 'Mama.net' - TV3) masa tu.
Lepas x-ray confirmed my left lung dah collapsed 40%! Saya di'diagnose'kan mengalami 'spontaneous pneumothorax', dalam bahasa pasarnye, paru-paru bocor! hehe, kelakar! Sakit lah jugak!

Tebuk le lubang masuk tiub ke dalam paru-paru, on wednesday, I di'operasi'kan kat OT selama 1 jam setengah. Sekarang ni tengah recovering! Alhamdulillah! Oh yes, saya nak ucapkan thanks banyak2 kat geng-geng yang datang melawat tempohari kat ward, i really appreciate it! sori la I tak layan sangat, tengah mai-mai overdose dengan morfin! hehe!

Anyways, shooting Mr. Mama pun tergendala lah sekarang ni pasal Mr. Mama kene rehat sebulan! Adios, till next time!