Sunday, August 24, 2008

Mengintai Ramadhan!

Salam guys!

It's been awhile ya.. sorry ler macam biase... Saya tersangat2 sibuk kebelakangan ini dengan beberapa perkara dan aktiviti yang sedang saya lakukan. Minta ampun ya... Ok dokie, things have been great as usual for us, alhamdulliah di atas keberkatanNya!

Dead Mushroom baru habis menjayakan show terbaru di Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. It was great!
Budak2 sabah memang rock la! gig tersebut sempena menjayakan road tour OAG Merdayka KL Tower, di mana setiap menara tinggi yang ada di Malaysia ni dijadikan tempat untuk para penggiat base jumper meloncat dengan happynye! ni sempena bulan merdeka la. gerun gua tengok diaorang lompat dari menara Tun Mustapha di KK!

Vee pula telah selamat kembali dari London menjayakan Festival Filem Malaysia di sana, seronok sangat dia kata, tapi tak best macam L.A. kat L.A. barang murah. Di London barang mahal sangat (dah convert ke pound memang lah!). Anyway, here are some photos of vee in London.

Gambar kat atas masa Vee berseronok di London, tapi buat kerja sebenarnye.. takde le seronok mana. Yes, tu gambar newly wed Puan Maya dan Nanu! lagi satu tu Vee kat depan theatre apa tah yang tengah mementaskan Les Miserables.

Wohkey, cerita pasal progress Dead Mushroom lak, kitaorang dah nak menuju ke pre-production stage dimana kami akan masuk studio lepas raya untuk EP terbaru, insyaallah! Single 'Nowhere' sekarang tengah dimantapkan lagi arrangementnye. Dan surprise surprise, akan diselitkan juge (tak janji) sebuah lagu melayu! Fuyohhhh!!!

Anyway, kami memang teruja nak perform kembali dan alhamdulillah Sabtu 30 Ogos ni kami akan perform sekali lagi di KL tower! See you guys there yaa!!! Keep on rocking!

And to all you muslimins, happy ramadhan!

Rashidi Ishak

Monday, July 14, 2008

UnDead Mushroom!

KL Indie Fest 08, 5hb Julai di KL Tower.

Dead Mushroom circa 1997, dari kiri Mike (bass), Pojie (gitar), Zul (dram), Faiz (THE VOCAL) and Shidi (gitar).

Dead Mushroom 2008 dan 20 kg kemudian! Dari kiri, Mike, Pojie, Faiz, Shidi dan Zul.

Salam! Yez.. Dead Mushroom is undead! Ok, maybe some of you yang dah dengar tentang kemunculan kembali band saya, Dead Mushroom. Di poster KL Indie Fest 2008 tertera nama kumpulan Dead Mushroom (reunion). Reunion? Sebenarnya, kami tak pernah berpisah pun. Cuma semua ahli band sibuk dengan kerjaya masing-masing. Termasuklah yang ikhlas ni, sibuk dengan bidang lakonan dan pengarahannya!!

Dead Mushroom performed 4 lagu untuk lepas geram kepada peminat yang tak jemu-jemu menyokong kami. Thanks guys, you guys rock! Kami tengah buat preparation untuk menyiapkan single terbaru kami, 'Nowhere'. So, please be informed ya, nanti kami akan perhebah-hebah kan lah! Official website pun tengah dalam pembikinan, so, bersabar ok. Anyways, thank u again for supporting us!!
Love and peace!
Rashidi Ishak.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Cepat Masa Berlalu!

Salam! Hai semua, pejam celik dah dekat bulan saya tak blog. Sori lah, memang boring masuk blog saya yang jarang update ni. Tapi takpe, saya akan berblog sedikit sebanyak apa yang dah kami lakukan sepanjang mei, jun, julai ni.

Vee tengah meletup dengan cerita Ali Din yang sedang ditayangkan di TV3 dan TV9 sekarang ni.
Kelakar tengok Vee melakonkan watak penyanyi dangdut yang oppurtunis dan menggedik! Kami mendapat banyak respons dari kalangan peminat yang menonton, biasalah, ada yang memuji dan tak kurang juga yang tak berapa nak suka watak Vee tu. Di sini saya nak bagitahu, Vee realitinya bukanlah sebegitu, hehe, jangan tertipu dengan lakonannya yang berkesan tu! Watak gedik adalah kehendak skrip dan juga permintaan pengarah, Raja Ahmad. Tapi best kan kita dapat melihat perbezaan lakonan Vee! Saya sendiri enjoy menonton Ali Din! Saya harap anda semua pun sama!

Di majlis pelancaran Ali Din, dari kiri, Hans, Azlina, Vee, Umie, Raja Ahmad dan Harun.

Berbalik cerita saya pula, saya tengah sibuk denngan bisnes saya. Mungkin ada antara anda yang pernah melihat iklan saya di surat khabar. Whizz Portal, portal DIY yang mesra pengguna. Saya dah siapkan portal rasmi saya Berkunjunglah kalau nak tengok betapa gempaknya portal yang saya buat sendiri! Buat sendiri! yep, saya hanya mengambil masa 6 jam sahaja siapkan portal saya tu. Jadi, sekarang tengah seronok promosi portal diy tu lah.. sekarang road tour malaysia, baru selesai buat kat JB minggu lepas. This weekend saya akan berada di Ipoh (20hb Julai). Jadi siapa yang dah sign up hi-tea tersebut, c u there!

Oh yes, sebelum saya mengakhiri celoteh saya ni, Vee baru menerima satu tawaran untuk bergandingan dengan satu produksi yang bakal diterajui oleh pelakon Bollywood dan Hollywood. InsyaAllah, jika diizinkanNya, dapatlah Vee melebarkan sayap ke luar! Sememangnya kita semua tahu betapa berbakatnya Vee, cuma masa sahaja yang menjadi penentuan untuk kita melihat berapa jauh Vee boleh menggilapkan lagi kerjayanya yang semakin bersinar!

Terima kasih semua, love n peace!
Rashidi Ishak.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Busy! Busy!

Salam guys! Again, all apologies for not writing lately. I have been busy doing a lot of running for the kids and taking care of home. And a bit busy meeting up with producers and business associates alike to discuss about future projects and stuff. Yes, I know, I should be resting... but, I'm going bonkers at home for not doing anything! Don't blame me ok, it's just too stressful knowing that you can't go around doing things at your normal pace! Adala rasa sakit sikit2.

Anyway, Vee is busy shooting with Tall Order Productions titled 'Ali Din'. Don't be surprised to see all of her new character, very interesting and funny! Something unlike her at all!! Well, you hear it first here! He!He! Ensemble of cast is good as well, with newcomer Fazrin playing the lead role opposite Umi Nazira; other cast involved is Vee herself, Hans Isaac (yes, the producer himself!), Datuk Aziz Sattar and many more. Scheduled to be out on TV3 end of this month! Be sure to watch ya!

Wokay.. ciao!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Bye Bye Mr Mama!

Salam guys! Bulan May ni memang banyak dugaannya bagi saya. I'm still recovering and resting at home. Last Thursday, I pergi check-up dan juga bukak stitches yang ada di tepi rusuk, ngilu je rasanye! Doctor said my lung has expanded well except that I have lot of flam in my chest due to flu. Yep, kena flu pulak, so can imagine la everytime i sneeze, rasa nak koyak my chest! (yes, it's still painful!) And I'm required to rest for another 3 weeks before I can resume with work. (but only lite work! For the wound to properly heal, it takes 3-6 months!)

Perghhh... bosan gile duduk rumah! Now I really am Mr Mama bcoz I'm home with the kids full-time!hehe! And talking about Mr Mama, I have been getting a lot of responds for that drama. It seems viewers really enjoy the show! But, sadly I have to announce here, I have to bid farewell to the production bcoz of my health condition. There will be a replacement, but nothing is confirmed yet. Here I really want to thank the production (Radius One Production) for being really understanding of my situation. I wish all the best to the team, its been fun working with u guys!

Vee has comeback from Singapore and Melaka, former for some Malaysian Film Screening and latter for Dumex Dugro seminar in which Vee was featured bcoz we're the brand ambassador. She had to dance for the seminar attendees! Lagu dangdut lagi! She had a good reception (as usual lah). Fans really enjoyed being there with her. (I totally understand that! I enjoyed being with her all the time!hehe!) Work is as usual for Vee, she's considering an offer from Tall Order Production for a new 26 episodes series for TV3. If all goes well, Vee will be busy shooting the whole of May and June.

For me, I'm just enjoying resting at home watching tennis on sports channel. Federer and Nadal final in Hamburg was really a feast! A really mouthwatering match, in which Nadal toppled the former champion in 3 sets! I always like Federer for his cool and smart
play but on clay surface, Nadal is the king! Now i'm looking forward for the French Open which starts end of the month. Hopefully Federer will meet Nadal again in the final! I really miss my tennis evening, huhu. I can't play for the next 6 months! Till then, adios!

Love, Rashidi Ishak.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Sorry.. lama tak blog!

Hey guys! Salam to all.. sorry lama tak menulis, have been very busy! Anyways, both of us wrapped up our latest movie "Stamp" (Tayangan Unggul) - directed by Kabhir Bhatia of 'Cinta'; end of Feb. Syok giler cerita pasal street cons jumpa street hustler jumpa mafia cina cuba curi satu stem yang sangat berharga. Other cast in the movie beside the both of us adalah Afdlin Shauki, Indy Nadarajah, Que Haidar, Sathiya, Bront Palarae, Kin Wah, Isma Yusoff, Diana Danielle, Harun Salim Bachik dan ramai lagi lah.. It is scheduled to be out next year tapi kami dah tak sabar dah! Yang ni pasti hit!

We just finished shooting for our latest Dumex Dugro campaigning TVC, yang ni pun seronok dapat bekerja sekali lagi dengan director TVC Benny dari New Zealand, shooting 2 hari + 1 hari untuk still photography ( di mana print ad dah keluar merata dalam surat khabar dan juga billboard - both of us dengan baby atas bahu ). Baby tu Daniel, from Thailand, cute giler!

Yes.. saya baru keluar hospital sebenarnya.. ni baru lah dapat menulis.. admitted hari Isnin 28 April tu hari. Sesak nafas, lantas terus ke Gleneagles Intan untuk check up. Yang best tu I pergi drive sendiri! Vee tengah shooting dengan Hans Isaac ( Telemovie '' - TV3) masa tu.
Lepas x-ray confirmed my left lung dah collapsed 40%! Saya di'diagnose'kan mengalami 'spontaneous pneumothorax', dalam bahasa pasarnye, paru-paru bocor! hehe, kelakar! Sakit lah jugak!

Tebuk le lubang masuk tiub ke dalam paru-paru, on wednesday, I di'operasi'kan kat OT selama 1 jam setengah. Sekarang ni tengah recovering! Alhamdulillah! Oh yes, saya nak ucapkan thanks banyak2 kat geng-geng yang datang melawat tempohari kat ward, i really appreciate it! sori la I tak layan sangat, tengah mai-mai overdose dengan morfin! hehe!

Anyways, shooting Mr. Mama pun tergendala lah sekarang ni pasal Mr. Mama kene rehat sebulan! Adios, till next time!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Off To L.A.!

This morning i sent vee to KLIA, she's leaving for LA n Vegas, courtesy of TV3. I think all the winners from Augerah Skrin 2007 r going as well. Vee is sad leaving me and the children at home. But it wont be for long, she's away only for 8 days... minggu depan dah balik dah pun.. well, as i'm writing this, i'm feeling quite sad, miss her la pulak. tapi takpe, she promised me to buy some stuff from there, and of course for the children as well... more for the children yang sebenarnye!

Wokie dokie, lets just pray for Vee's safe journey ya...

Our Maiden Journey Into Cyberspace!

Salam Dear Friends!!

Here we r at last, after much persuasions and pressuring from friends and fans alike, we finally have our very own blog (believe it or not, this is our 1st time having such thing.. we don't even have 'myspace' for godsake!). Being not so internet savvy, we feel very left behind by all this craze of having a webpage of our own. Pardon the not so creative blog page, we r still learning about the whole god damn thing! (Yes, we blog ourselves!)

Internet to us merely confined to usage of emails for work purposes. So having this blog is such a big step for us to reach out to all of you friends and fans! Mainly to update you guys of what's happening to our latest project and stuffs! And of course to share a bit of our thoughts, pondering this life and such.. takpe lah.. cuba-cuba nak jadi philosophical once in a while!hehe! (tak penting pun!)

Anyway, share your thoughts with us, drop us a line or two. Lets just hope this will be a good start for us to be in the cyberworld!

Halo and Ciao!! Till then, salam!! Love always!
Shidi n Vee.